Optimized Building Solutions

The PACE-Setting Division of Newman Consulting Group

Click here for a downloadable brochure. 


Are you a building owner or facility manager looking to save money? Improve the energy efficiency of your building? Enhance occupant satisfaction? Increase your property value?

At Optimized Building Solutions, we help commercial, industrial and multi-family property owners all over the U.S. implement energy efficiency projects (including renewable energy such as solar), eliminate waste and save money through innovative financing solutions. 

What is PACE?

One way we do this is through PACE, Property Assessed Clean Energy. How does it work? Watch this short video. 

Does my building qualify for PACE?  Click here to find out.

Why use Optimized Building Solutions for your energy efficiency upgrades? Filling out the forms, managing the improvement projects, communicating with providers, finding the right contractors, ensuring accurate reporting. This all takes a tremendous amount of time. Time you and your facility team probably don’t have.

Good news!

We take care of all of that for you, with minimal input from your staff.  With PACE, it's at no additional cost to you.  Click here to have an Energy Systems Analyst review your building to see if you qualify for PACE or other financing for your energy efficiency projects. 

The following states have PACE enabling legislation: Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin and the District of Columbia.  For additional information on PACE, see PACENow.org

For additional information on PACE in Michigan, click here

If PACE is not available in your area, don't worry, we may be able to help you find financing through other means. Don't waste another minute - or another kilowatt. Contact Optimized Building Solutions today. Call 248-626-4910, or click here

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