You're a building owner or a facility manager and you have decided it's finally time to...:
You're probably wondering how to pay for it. It doesn't have to come out of CapEx. Newman Consulting Group helps commercial, industrial and multi-family property owners and managers all over the U.S. and North America implement energy efficiency projects (including renewable energy such as solar or wind) through innovative financing solutions.
Your project might be right for PACE financing, or Property Assessed Clean Energy, that provides low-cost, long-term funding. Maybe a PPA, or Power Purchase Agreement, would be better for you. We can also help you determine if you are eligible for tax deductions, cost segregation or 179d savings.
If you are in Michigan, the nonprofit Michigan Saves can help make energy improvements easy and affordable. Operating as a green bank, Michigan Saves offers unique financing programs for commercial as well as residential and municipal energy users.
Learn More about PACE. Or click below to see if PACE financing may be right for you.
With a PPA or similar program, equipment or systems that contribute to energy use, are paid for and maintained by a vendor for extended time periods. This includes not only the systems typically replaced, like HVAC and lighting, but also windows and building envelope. It also requires no up-front layout of money by an owner. NCG can perform the preliminary groundwork needed to apply for a PPA. We can also contact the vendors to see if your property fits the qualifications.
If you're not familiar with PPAs, click here. In addition to PACE and PPAs, there are other cost-effective alternatives to using internal funds or capital expenditures (CapEx).
“Financing is not a sign of desperation, but an indication of smart capital allocation.” Noesis
Rebates, tax credits, deductions and other incentives for implementing energy efficiency measures can help reduce the overall amount needed to be financed. But they are not financing mechanisms. You may find incentives, tax credits or rebates for windows, thermostats, water heaters, solar or wind energy and so much more. For the most up-to-date options for your location, check with your local energy provider or the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency, DSIRE.
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