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PACE-Property Assessed Clean Energy

Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) is a financing mechanism that enables low-cost, long-term funding for energy efficiency, renewable energy and water conservation projects. PACE financing is repaid as an assessment on the property’s regular tax bill, and is processed the same way as other local public benefit assessments (sidewalks, sewers) have been for decades. Click here for a downloadable brochure. 

Depending on local legislation, PACE can be used for commercial, nonprofit and residential properties.Click below to see how NCG helps Wayne State University, the historic Whitney Restaurant and others save money and energy.

Click below to see if PACE financing may be right for you. 

Click here to learn if your building  qualifies for PACE Financing

What Can PACE Do For You?

PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) financing is a way to use  can cover many different energy efficiency upgrades: 

Click below to see how NCG helps Wayne State University, the historic Whitney Restaurant and others save money and energy. 

See how NCG helps  save money and energy.
Bud Liebler, Jim Newman, Tupac Hunter and Andy Levin look at PACE energy efficiency upgrade plans for The Whitney
Powers Distributing was Michigan’s first refinanced PACE project for renewable energy Michigan Solar Solutions

We Make PACE Easier For You

Why use NCG for your energy efficiency upgrades? Filling out the forms, managing the improvement projects, communicating with providers, finding the right contractors, ensuring accurate reporting. This all takes a tremendous amount of time. Time you and your facility team probably don’t have.We take care of all of that for you, with minimal input from your staff.  

With PACE, hiring NCG to take care of all the details is no additional cost to you. Contact Us to have an Energy Systems Analyst review your building to see if you qualify for PACE or other financing for your energy efficiency projects. 
