New Division Brings Accessible Financing to Energy Efficiency Projects
Farmington Hills, MI: Newman Consulting Group, LLC, Consultants for Energy Efficient and Sustainable Buildings, has launched a new division, Optimized Building Solutions (OBS).
Jim Newman, CEM, LEED AP BD+C, ASHRAE BEAP & OPMP, Owner and Managing Partner of Newman Consulting Group, says “We designed OBS to help commercial, industrial and multi-family property owners in Michigan and all over the U.S. implement energy efficiency projects, eliminate waste and save money through new and innovative financing solutions.”
One key financing option for OBS is PACE, Property Assessed Clean Energy. New to Michigan, PACE allows qualified property owners to access 100% upfront financing using long-term loans (up to 20 years) in the form of a special assessment property tax.
“Over and over again, we would perform an energy audit and show the building owner how much money they would save by becoming more energy efficient. Often the fixes would pay for themselves in 18 months to 5 years,” says Newman. “Still they would come back to us and say they didn’t have the money to do it. Now we can offer them no-cost financing through PACE.”
As an alternative financing option, PACE makes even capital-intensive renewable energy projects, such as solar panels or wind turbines, much more attractive. In addition to reducing the amount of energy a building needs to run, OBS can help the building owner access PACE financing to drastically lower their consumption of “dirty” power.
Newman Consulting Group’s experienced team of engineers, analysts and program managers are ideally positioned to help building owners and managers through the application process, paperwork and tracking required to qualify for this or other funding.
Newman Consulting Group (NCG), a Rebuild Michigan® Partner, a DTE Energy and Michigan Saves Trade Ally, and an EPA Energy Star® Partner, works with architects, engineers, building owners and contractors in Michigan and throughout the world to design and build more energy-efficient buildings to LEED and other sustainable guidelines. NCG also helps commercial and industrial building owners conduct energy audits and then retrofit existing buildings so they use less energy – and save money - while maintaining or improving the indoor air quality. For more information, contact Newman Consulting Group at 248-626-4910, or visit Optimized Building Solutions (OBS).