Farmington Hills, MI Jim Newman, owner and managing partner of Newman Consulting Group, LLC (NCG) in Farmington Hills, Mich., received the ESD Affiliate Council’s Ann O. Fletcher Distinguished Service Award for 2018. The recognition honors individuals for their dedicated service. The award was first presented in 1997 in Ann O. Fletcher’s name to honor her lifetime contribution to The Engineering Society of Detroit (ESD). The Affiliate Council consists of professionals representing 100+ ESD Affiliated Technical Societies. Mr. Newman was recognized at a special reception in March.
Jim Newman is one of the country’s most experienced energy efficiency and green building experts. Known as the “Dean of Green,” Jim regularly speaks across the U.S. and internationally to professionals, student groups and the media about sustainability and green technology. He has been involved in this industry long enough to be both a seasoned expert and a pioneer. Recently he began using his career expertise to help new and existing buildings use PACE financing for improving energy efficiency.
An active member of many technical societies, Newman is a Fellow of the Engineering Society of Detroit (FESD), and in 2018 was recognized with the TechCentury Image Award. He is a certified trainer for ASHRAE Energy Standard 90.1, the basis for building codes in most states, and has trained hundreds of architects, engineers, code officials and contractors on the use of the Standard.
NCG is one of the Midwest’s premier energy efficiency and green building consulting firms, specializing in energy audits, LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification consulting, building commissioning and re- and retro-commissioning, and PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) and PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) financing. NCG helps commercial, industrial and multi-family property owners incorporate sustainability principles, implement energy efficiency projects (including renewable energy such as solar, wind, geothermal), eliminate waste, and save money through innovative financing.
Photo by the Engineering Society of Detroit