Jim Newman recently contributed an article highlighting keys to designing and maintaining a higher performing HVAC system for maximum profitability.
Thu, Mar 14, 2019 @ 02:26 / by Jim Newman posted in HVAC, indoor air quality, High Performance Buildings, Energy Management Strategies, energy conservation
Jim Newman recently contributed an article highlighting keys to designing and maintaining a higher performing HVAC system for maximum profitability.
Thu, Mar 14, 2019 @ 02:26 / by Jim Newman posted in Green Building, continuing education
For engineers like me and the facility managers with whom we regularly interact, we don’t often think of ourselves as salespeople. But in reality, we are always selling.
We may not be selling a product or service for exchange of money profit, yet we are always “selling” something in the more nuanced sense of persuading or causing to be accepted.
What are we selling? Selling in this sense can be selling a product, selling an idea, or selling yourself.
Thu, Feb 14, 2019 @ 12:50 / by Jim Newman
The esteemed Bill Harrison, ASHRAE Presidential Member, has said that “Most buildings will lose up to 30% of their efficiency in the first three years of operation.” (Data based on Texas A&M Study)
Mon, Oct 29, 2018 @ 01:23 / by Jim Newman
How do you save money and energy on your commercial building? PACE may be the answer – with no upfront cost to you!
Tue, Jul 24, 2018 @ 02:50 / by Jim Newman posted in Energy Savings, Energy Audit, High Performance Buildings, Energy Management Strategies, energy conservation, Internet of Things
Connectivity. The Internet of Things (IoT). Controlling Costs.
Maybe these are not such new ideas in building operations and maintenance, but every year they improve and it was all on display in San Antonio at BOMA 2018. It was a hot time in Texas! Touring the exhibit floor, I made a point to learn what’s new in these areas.
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